The Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Not Buy Disability Insurance

While the daily headlines are filled with down housing and stock markets, there are still other pitfalls that can have an even worse effect on your savings. Events happen everyday that wreak havoc on personal savings.

Does this mean you should feel secure? Ask yourself this question: “Am I spending most of what I make every week, or am I banking 45% of what I earn?” If you are like most people you are spending most of what you earn, and you have very little set aside in savings. It is estimated that 60% of American households are living check to check. If you are not banking 45% of what you earn, think about this. If you become disabled, you will be slapped with a 45% pay cut.

California short talking products for the blind is a great program for many workers who become disabled. But ask anyone who needed to use the benefit: “was it enough?” The answer will probably be “no”. This is especially true for women planning a pregnancy, because she will be out of work for at least six weeks, and longer if she needs to miss work before delivery, or take extra time to bond with her baby.

Now, Medicaid can actually pay for long term care – if you are destitute. Are you willing to wait until you are broke for a way to fund long term care? Of course not. LTC insurance provides a way to do it.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease of the immune system. It occurs when the immune system mistakes the body’s own cells for “foreign invaders” and begins to launch an attack. In rheumatoid arthritis, the object of the attack is the lining of the joints. The disease persists, damaging joints more and more over time, and it continues to progress. As the arthritis advances, the damage to the joints becomes very severe. Long-term joint damage as well as pain and fatigue are characteristic of the disease.

Think about time with your spouse, how you will be able to relax with each other, explore new places and go on adventures well into your senior years together. Think about all the things you love to do – read, travel, eat, tinker, sing – whatever you like to do. You can do it more and longer if you’re healthy. So don’t shortchange your most important investment. Don’t cut yourself out of the best health insurance policy there is. Eat something good and get up and move. Why do exercise? Your life, your dreams, your loves. If there are reasons to exercise, these are them.

Be sure to meet with a financial specialist. Meet with more than one. Remember, it is your future and your money. There are programs to help you calculate your needs. Be sure they are familiar with using such.